Saturday, July 11, 2009

Speaker Pelosi's CIA Quagmire

I have enjoyed watching Speaker Pelosi squirm in response to her self-inflicted CIA imbroglio. Poor girl cannot escape her own outrageous lies! Unfortunately the morass is entangling others as the WSJ points out their commentary entitled About that CIA Lie.

The facts weave a disgusting story of some Dimwitocrat low lifes who authored a deceitful letter to Leon Panetta in an intellectually challenged attempt to discredit the CIA and to unsnarl Speaker Pelosi.

Long story short, the partisan pigs were outed for their chicanery. Bet it’s no big surprise that the Diwitocratic low lives came from California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington, huh? Well, it is a bit, because somehow New York was excluded!!

Regardless, Representatives Eshoo, Tierney, Holt, Thompson, Hastings, Schakowsky and Smith ought to be ashamed of such blatant buffoonery. As my cartoon hero Bugs Bunny used to say, “What maroons! What embezzles!” When will the decent people they represent get fed up and say enough and elect honest representation?

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