Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cap and Trade is really a Carbon Tax!

I wonder if the Dimwitocrats who elected the Obamanation understand Cap and Trade or understand how GE and Al Gore are poised to make billions from what is essentially is a TAX on carbon emissions? That's right, the Obamanation is crafting legislation that would give billions to private companies for what should be the governmental function of tax collection.

Cap and Trade is a green initiative to reduce carbon emissions. The government will ration or otherwise set standards for much carbon emissions various industries should produce. If an industry is green then they can probably live within the ration they will be provided. If a company is not green and they go over their ration, then they pay a penalty or they purchase carbon credits from other companies that do not exceed their rationed amount. It is the cottage industry that is in the planning stages to manage the rations, to act as a broker between the green companies and the ones that need extra help that GE and Al Gore are positioning themselves to corner. That's right, the television news station that never said a single bad story about the Obamanation is now poised to reap huge rewards from helping him get elected!!! They both have committed fraud, in my opinion.

Hear me people, if GE and Al Gore think they are about to become incredibly rich based upon their commission activities as a broker based on the amount of revenue that the Obamanation is predicting (TRILLIONS, with a T!!) should not we be worried about who is going to pay that TRILLIONS DOLLARS? Because when push comes to shove, it is going to be you and me who pay. Not the manufacturers or the transportation companies or someone else!! It will be you and me! That's why this is and should be called a CARBON TAX!

Incredibly, and oh so unbelievably ironic, is the fact that the socialist Obamanation is turning to private enterprise to collect his CARBON TAX. Right now the government owns about 50 percent of the banks and GM. So why are they turning to private companies to be Carbon Ration Brokers. Because if the Obamanation actually called Cap and Trade a CARBON TAX, the voters would throw the bum out!!

Let's not delay, let's start doing something now rather that wait until the Obamanation yokes us with another TRILLION dollar debt!