Friday, February 6, 2009

President Obama's Speech to Fellow Dimwitocrats

We are in deep, deep, trouble. There is no way the Dimwitocrat's borrow and spend policy is going to stimulate anything but the national debt. Obama said no earmarks. Wrong. Obama said no partisanship. Wrong. Obama said change. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! President Obama is the very embodiment of partisan politics he derided during his campaign and a bunch of people hoping for better times bought into the canard and elected a consummate politician.

I did not understand the venom the left spewed at President Bush, but I am beginning to get a sense of it. Especially when President Obama laughed at the debt he inherited like it was not something that he did not need to consider. President Obama was wrong when he said tax cuts were discredited. President Bush and Republicans were voted out of office because of the Iraq war and borrowed spending on the war amplified the mortgage crisis we had been teetering on for years. A mortgage crisis made more terrible by Senator Chris "I did not know I was getting special treatment from Countrywide" Dodd and Barney "Supporting my lover at Fannie Mae is not unethical" Frank.

This is a time for sound fiscal responsibility, not unbridled borrowing and spending. We can not and should not rush into a trillion dollar, pork laden, social engineering experiment. Unfortunately, no one seems strong enough or poised to stop it.

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