Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rep. Wilson got it RIGHT, President Obama Lied

The Prevaricator-in-Chief put on a stunning performance the other night when he addressed Congress, once again obfuscating every bit of truth. Sure Obama Care will be everything to everyone ... so why wait 4 years to put it in place? Because, despite claims to the contrary President Obama wants to be re-elected before the light of the truth shines on him.

The Obamanation started out lying and kept right on lying all the way through. In my opinion Representative Joe Wilson showed remarkable constraint waiting as long as he did!

To illustrate, I'll stroke the Obamanation like he disingenuously stoked Republicans by first saying that I agree, no where in any of the Obama Care bills does it say there will be death panels. No where. But it doesn't say there won't be either.

Instead the bill advocates death counseling because, well, we could possibly cut costs if old people come to grips with the fact that they will or are dying and eschew expensive end of life treatments.

Question. Unless you are God (in which case this question is totally pointless) how will you know when you are actually going to die? This is not a rhetorical question without consequence. The obvious answer is that YOU DON'T! DOH!

But some people, bless their souls, will opt for the morphine drip and pass on because they will think they are dying and, you know, its the right thing to do for their family, friends and society. They will believe after they have received their "counseling" that they don't want to waste away or spend a bunch of money needlessly. Needlessly? To resort to the same moral rhetoric as the Obamanation if we save or extend just one life for a year, isn't the cost worth it?

So, yeah the "truth" is Obama Care doesn't include death panels, but that is clearly the net effect. Some people will die earlier because they will forgo every medical procedure available to them. Ergo sometimes death counseling will lead to premature deaths. The semantic advantage goes NOT to the Obamanation, but to critics like Rep Wilson and myself who, after examining the facts, undoubtedly believe that the Obamanation lied!

Another thing, I totally agree that Obama Care needs to be paid for before it’s enacted! But what if the costs soar over the Obamanation’s incredibly optimistic cost estimates just like the Congressional Budget Office say they will? Does the bill also contain protections and prohibitions that would render it void and discarded? NAY NAY. Another semantic advantage tending to prove that the Obamanation lied.

For every omission or half truth the Obamanation uttered there was an equal and most likely outcome that he denounced as a scare tactic! It's okay for the Dimwitocrats to assert falsehoods to scare people, but not critics. That's un-American and it sure doesn’t alleviate the inconsistencies and potential for misery that exudes from this liberal, progressive fantasy like stink on poo.

BS you say?? Fine. You don't have to take my word for it, the following WSJ article Medicare for Dummies details many of the Obamanation's manipulations of the truth!

Still not satisfied? OK, what if I said that I could embrace Obama Care IF it included ironclad prohibitions or expirations for every evil that any thinking person knows will happen. Sadly I am on solid ground here because Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the intellectually challenged Dimwitocrats won't include ironclad guarantees because they know the truth. To wit, that the criticisms against the bill are true or have a very high probability of coming about because the bill just doesn’t include exact, unambiguous language of the type that everyone reads and agrees says what it says!

The only explanation that makes any sense to me is that the Obamanation is so enamored of what he perceives will be and surely, rightfully is his place in history, he just can’t let this go. Yes he did make one hell of a fine pitch for Obama Care; but I just don’t believe what this liar is selling. I didn't believe him as candidate Obama and every single one of his actions since he has taken office concretely support that Rep. Wilson and I made the right assessment then as now. Obama lied!

For everyone out there who will think I am merely providing additional noise to the cacophony that is the health care debate I offer the following. I know it would be pointless for me to attempt to educate the Obamanation, but still, if I had a moment to speak with him I would suggest that he embrace the free market reforms advocated by the Cato Institute. I would stress that free market reforms would not be as alluring as his fantasy, but they sure make sense and cost nothing to implement! And from that standpoint alone they deserve a chance, unlike Obama Care which should be absolutely and totally abandoned and soon forgotten!

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