Rep. Kevin Brady of Texas designed this colorful chart depicting Obama Care that Speaker Pelosi and other Dimwitocrats don't want the public too see. Interestingly, they are not complaining that the chart is wrong or misleading, but Speaker Pelosi is preventing House members from using their Franking or mailing privileges to send the chart to their constituents.
Speaker Pelosi's decision begs the question, why is she afraid of this little chart? Could it be that too much information in the hands of the public is not a good thing? Could it be that the Dimwitocrats are afraid to tell voters what is contained in Obama Care before its enacted? Things like the Office of Minority Health? Or Office of Civil Rights? Or Health Choices Administration? Maybe!?!
But who cares! Nows our your chance to annoy Speaker Pelosi like she's been annoying us! Past this chart along to everyone you know and let them know how you feel about Obama Care!!!
The Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) was summoned to the White House to be confronted by President Obama and true-believer lobbyist after he publicly announced the savings claimed by President Obama just weren't possible. Once a petty Chicago thug always a thug.
This is not the first time the CBO has disputed the Prevaricator-In-Chief. Last time the CBO said that the recession would end without any "help" by the end of the year. Lo and behold, President Obama said he had to act to protect jobs and end the recession. So what happened to cause unemployment to surge higher and the recession to deepen? President Obama intervened with his much touted and absolutely necessary $800 Billion dollar stimulus package. How long do we have to endure this President's financially reckless agenda. When is the media going to wake up from their Obama enchantment?
Sadly, and precisely because any such admission will be seen as a vindication for the political pundits they trashed and denigrated, I doubt that the main stream media will make any such admission or ever report objectively on the Prevaricator-In-Chief.
OBAMA: "We already have rough agreement" on some aspects of what a health care overhaul should involve, and one is: "It will keep government out of health care decisions, giving you the option to keep your insurance if you're happy with it."
THE FACTS: In House legislation, a commission appointed by the government would determine what is and isn't covered by insurance plans offered in a new purchasing pool, including a plan sponsored by the government. The bill also holds out the possibility that, over time, those standards could be imposed on all private insurance plans, not just the ones in the pool.
As reported here on FoxNews Fact Check. When is the Liar-In-Chief going to stop treating all Americans as if they are the entitlement dependent, uninformed, community illiterates he is used to dealing with?
While running for office in 2008, Senator Obama said We can no longer accept a process that doles out earmarks based on a member of Congress' seniority, rather than the merit of the project.
Yet when faced with his first real test of conscious, he signed into law an omnibus spending bill with roughly 9,000 earmarks worth more than 5 billion dollars. Now the liar-in-chief has another opportunity to veto pork. But will he?
With Cap & Trade and Healthcare still to be enacted, will the President risk losing support for his agenda by forcing Congress to toe the line? I truly doubt he has the courage to change the way Washington works.
I admit to rooting for President Obama over Hilary Clinton; I just couldn't take more of the Clinton drama. I also believed that economic realities would temper his legislative agenda. I am dumbfounded that he just keeps right on spending and demanding more! President Obama is treating America like a union, demanding bigger and bigger concessions like a blood sucking leach without concern for its host. President Obama needs to understand that his host, America, is on the verge of financial calamity and just say No to any more tax or spending increases.
If President Obama really thinks we need Cap and Trade, why is he giving away billions in tax revenue to private concerns to run energy exchanges? Why aren't the government and taxpayers reaping this windfall? President Obama needs to rethink this give away and change the beneficiaries or just say NO.
One last thing, I just don't understand President Obama's contempt for America. Everywhere he goes he apologizes; but he does not speak for me. Enough is enough. Just say NO!!
I can certainly see why the left hates Karl Rove so much, his clarity of thinking, factual recall and insights are dead on. So when he takes President Obama to task like he does in his recent WSJ article entitled: The President Moves the Economic Goalposts his observations are devastatingly accurate.
This time Mr. Rove ridicules the President for attempting to redefine what he meant when he said we had to have his stimulus package now so that the economy could start getting immediately better and unemployment would not rise above 9 percent. Well unfortunately the economy hasn't gotten better and unemployment is above 9.5 percent and still rising.
Just before President Obama made his pitch for his must have Stimulus Bill the CBO said that if we did nothing we would be out of this recession by the third or fourth quarter of this year. Now President Obama says that things are going to remain bad for all of this year and most of next. Could it be that President Obama's stimulus bill had the exact opposite effect on the economy? Well of course it has. Anyone with a reasonable intellect knows that pork barrel spending does not equate an investment in revitalizing the economy. It may well be an investment in getting the intellectually challenged likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and a whole host of other liberal Dimwitocrats re-elected, but it ain't gonna help the economy.
And remember how the progressive, liberal media howled at conservative pundits for suggesting that President Obama's plan wasn't gonna work? Where are those same self-serving twits now? I sure wish someone would hold President Obama AND the media accountable now before President Obama and Congress make some even graver mistakes with Cap and Trade, healthcare and worse, a second stimulus package!
I have enjoyed watching Speaker Pelosi squirm in response to her self-inflicted CIA imbroglio. Poor girl cannot escape her own outrageous lies! Unfortunately the morass is entangling others as the WSJ points out their commentary entitled About that CIA Lie.
The facts weave a disgusting story of some Dimwitocrat low lifes who authored a deceitful letter to Leon Panetta in an intellectually challenged attempt to discredit the CIA and to unsnarl Speaker Pelosi.
Long story short, the partisan pigs were outed for their chicanery. Bet it’s no big surprise that the Diwitocratic low lives came from California, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington, huh? Well, it is a bit, because somehow New York was excluded!!
Regardless, Representatives Eshoo, Tierney, Holt, Thompson, Hastings, Schakowsky and Smith ought to be ashamed of such blatant buffoonery. As my cartoon hero Bugs Bunny used to say, “What maroons! What embezzles!” When will the decent people they represent get fed up and say enough and elect honest representation?
Please support our troops and take a moment to watch this amazing video made by then 15 year old Lizzie Palmer entitled Remember Me.
And enjoy this great website: Countdown until Obama leaves office.
Dr. Stan Liebowitz makes some good points in his article, including that we need to get back to the basics and impose an equity requirement on residential mortgages. Unfortunately, he also omitted some useful data that clearly discloses his bias and gives credence to the old saw that: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
I do not agree with Dr. Liebowitz's conclusion that the increase in subprime defaults is statistically insignificant such that we can summarily dismiss allegations of inappropriate conduct as being purely partisan politics.
A quick survey of the internet confirms the following: subprime mortgages account for 25% of residential mortgages and the default rates in 2005 were 2.2% for prime and 14.6% for subprime borrowers. And while I am not an economist (like Dr. Liebowitz) or a mathematician, it seems to me that 200% of 25% of 14.6% is a statistically bigger number then 488% of 75% of 2.2%. In fact, the increased subprime default rate is almost 300% larger than the increased prime default rate!!! Clearly Dr. Liebowitz should have been able to figure this out for himself. So I can only conclude that he has an undisclosed agenda.
Regardless, I would highly recommend that Dr. Liebowitz revisit his conclusions (and perhaps a remedial statistics class) and suggest some strategies to prevent Democrats like Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd from further hurtful meddling.